We're back! Thank you for your interest in Reframe Provisions! We are so excited to share our amazingly delicious products with you! - The Reframe Provisions Team
What's thick cut, salted, massaged, and left to ferment to perfection?
You guessed it: the fermentedest-gut-supportingest-sauerkraut EVER! Raw, fermented, extraordinarily ordinary KRAUT. Always organic and filled with probiotics, this funky cabbage deserves a permanent home in your fridge.
Everyday Funk goes great on grilled sausages / hot dogs, Reuben sandwiches, or as we will always advocate: straight out of the jar (with or without a fork)!
Everyday Funk is one of four core flavors in our "Funk" line of raw fermented sauerkrauts. Other flavors you might love include:
Container Sizes:
Pint (16 fl. oz) - 2 cups
Quart (32 fl. oz) - 4 cups